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Rust Belt Studies:
A Journal of
Emplaced Humanities   

Housed at the Rust Belt Humanities Lab

at Ursuline College  



Katharine G. Trostel, Ursuline College

Valentino L. Zullo, Ursuline College 


Publication: Annual  


Aims and Scope

Rust Belt Studies uses the framework of the public and emplaced humanities and social sciences in order to define, explore, and map an understudied region: The Rust Belt. The journal seeks articles which focus on the importance of regional storytelling in fostering a sense of place, identifying and contributing to social solutions, and reimagining the role of the humanities within this sphere. Because so much of the United States’ problems and promise converge on the Rust Belt, the journal aims to model ways to use the humanities to find new solutions, tell better stories, and empower teacher-scholars to imagine new models for fostering civic engagement within their rooted context. 

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