Rust Belt Studies
Collage by Rosaria Perna
Rust Belt Studies:
A Journal of Emplaced Humanities
Edited by Katharine G. Trostel and Valentino L. Zullo
Sponsored by Ohio Humanities in collaboration with Midstory. The first issue will be published in late 2025.
Rust Belt Studies uses the framework of the public and emplaced humanities and social sciences in order to define, explore, and map an understudied region: The Rust Belt. The journal seeks articles which focus on the importance of regional storytelling in fostering a sense of place, identifying and contributing to social solutions, and reimagining the role of the humanities within this sphere. Because so much of the United States’ problems and promise converge on the Rust Belt, the journal aims to model ways to use the humanities to find new solutions, tell better stories, and empower teacher-scholars to imagine new models for fostering civic engagement within their rooted context.
Editorial Board
Beatrice Adams, The College of Wooster
Emiliano Aguilar, University of Notre Dame
Marc Blanc, Washington University in St. Louis
Camden Burd, Eastern Illinois University
Cara Byrne, Case Western Reserve University
Vera Camden, Kent State University
Jodie Childers, Tulane University
Tara Conley, Kent State University
Josh Davidson, Oberlin College
Dawn Ellis, Case Western Reserve University
Christabel Devadoss, Middle Tennessee State University
Stephanie Fortado, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Greer Hamilton, University of Michigan
Michelle Harris, University of North Alabama
Casey T. Jakubowski, SUNY Oneonta
Jon Lauck, Editor-in-Chief, Middle West Review
Patrick McGinty, Slippery Rock University
Matthew McLeskey, SUNY Oswego
David Miller, Elis Press
Lisa Nielson, Case Western Reserve University
Lorie B. Owens, The Ohio State University.
Andy Oler, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Elaine Parsons, Kent State University
Ryan Prewitt, Saint Louis University
James Rhodes, Hiram College
Jeannette Schollaert, University of Maryland, College Park
Paul Spyhalski, Independent Scholar
Jackson Tucker, University of Maryland, College Park
Shu Wan, SUNY Buffalo
Jon Wlasiuk, MIchigan State University
Hayley Verdi, Ursuline College
Submission Guidelines
All article submissions should be sent via email attachment in Microsoft Word. PDF and other word processing formats will not be accepted for review. All submissions should conform to standards for citation that govern publications in the author's field and should include a bibliography, if appropriate. We will consider short pieces but cannot consider texts of more than 7500 words, including notes. All submissions are subject to two, or more, blind peer reviews by members of the editorial board.
Email: Katharine.Trostel@Ursuline.edu and Valentino.Zullo@Ursuline.edu
Open Access Statement: This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful non-commercial purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
Copyright statement: Authors retain intellectual property rights to their material and may re-publish it provided that Rust Belt Studies is acknowledged as the original place of publication.