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Rust Belt Roundup

As 2024 comes to a close, the Rust Belt Humanities Lab takes a look back at our fall activities!


MLA Pathways Step Grant

With the support of a Modern Language Association Pathways Step Grant, Ursuline College partnered with The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Humanities Center at Cuyahoga Community College and the non-profit organization, Teaching CLE. We were united in our commitment to teaching local students who are emplaced and rooted in the NE Ohio region and preparing them through humanities lenses to be civic actors and change-makers in a city that is often neglected in our national sphere. Our project consisted of creating three discrete opportunities for our student populations to interact. These activities centered Rust Belt futures–specifically focusing on climate change and the power of humanities storytelling to create parables of resilience in the face of complex, twenty-first century problems.

We made comics at the West Side Market with creator, Seqoia Bostickand gave out free books at the fruit and vegetable stands with Comics at the Corner, Literary Cleveland, Cleveland Reads , and Carol and John's Comic Book Shop . We even gave out original prints of Cleveland scenes by artist, Sina Grace!

We explored Cleveland’s lakefront—its past, present, and future—with Teaching CLE. After learning the history of the space, we connected our ideas about how the lakefront should fit in with our sense of place, and considered designs for the future.

We learned how to create natural dyes with Rust Belt Fibershed from materials in our own Northeast Ohio ecosystem—rethinking our relationship to land and place.

Reflected one student of the experience, “It change my view of seeing the beauty of Cleveland.”

An Alternative History of Cleveland

We hosted author, Jonathan Wlasiuk, whose 2024 An Alternative History of Cleveland was published by Belt Publishing. Our community joined us for a fascinating book talk and signing at Ursuline College. Mac's Backs was on hand to sell books: “…Part natural history, part archaeological essay, and part contemporary call to arms to reclaim and rewild Cleveland’s future, this unforgettable trek into the heart of 'the Land' will change the way you see the city forever.”

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"Bring Superman Home"

We raised $1,000 for the Siegel & Shuster Society to help bring Superman home to Cleveland with our pierogi and trivia fundraiser on Ursuline College campus! All proceeds will go towards the creation of the Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster Tribute Plaza in the heart of downtown Cleveland. Learn more about the project and get involved:

Teagle Cornerstone Learning for Living Conference 

We traveled to Austin Community Collge in Austin, Texas to learn from the very best as we embarked on a complete redesign of our college composition sequence with the generous support of a Teagle Foundation Cornerstone Learning for Living Grant. Our project, “Rhetorics of the Rust Belt” asks our students to consider how the Rust Belt can serve as a site of knowledge production and how ideas can emerge from Rust Belt dwellers. We experimented with Transformative Texts (including many Cleveland Foundation Anisfield-Wolf Book Award winners!) to bring these thoughts alive for our students at Ursuline College.


National Humanities Conference 

We spoke at the Humanities for All's National Humanities Conference in Providence, Rhode Island—thinking deeply about how the emplaced humanities plays a role in undergraduate education. Katie Trostel served as a panelist on the Modern Language Association's panel, "Changing the Tide: Strategies for Dismantling the Narrative of Decline by Strengthening the Higher Education Humanities Ecosystem" representing Ursuline College. Joined by Andrea Kaston Tange (Macalester College), Barbara Suess (William Paterson University of New Jersey), Maria Iacullo-Bird (Pace University), and Janine Utell.

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